Social change is a process which have been there always in the society and affecting the lives of people in different way and people affecting/making the change in the society. Yes, it is possible for minority groups to cause social change. Minority groups are the problems of the society. They are the group who don't have access to many rights, employment, and education. They are the one who are deprived and are left behind in the society. Unless and until these minority groups are not taken to mainstream, the country (government) and societies face many problems. For example, small amount of garbage is outside the house but it does not pollute the house, but if the garbage is not cleared and gets added not only the house but whole area is polluted with the foul smell of it. Similarly until and unless the needs of youth who are from minority groups are not addressed then they will influence the social change gradually. For example, a minority individual does not get employment, does not earn money, does not get food to eat and dies of hunger. This will turn into people going below poverty lines and increasing the poverty in massive number. They won't have any power in decision making in community. They will be deprived from many things, which will later result in conflict in society. Maoist act was started at the first in small village with these minority groups. These minority groups later abolished the monarchy from the country in long term. The Madhes andolan currently ongoing in Nepal is because of the problem faced by these minority groups. And so far this blockade is also one of the biggest problem Nepalese are facing which have brought social change rapidly in day to day lives, which conflict is happening by these groups. There are many situations such as people's movement when we look at the history martyrs of our country had a great impact on the country which is also one of the biggest social changes in Nepalese history who were minority at that time. So it is very obvious and actually ironical that minority groups are the majority of the entire group to cause/influence social change.
Social Change (Political, social, economical)
Minority group (size, strength, capacity and density of problem)
So, the greater the size, strength, capacity, density of the problem is of minority group, the greater is the social change in the society. It is directly proportional to Social Change.
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