“Creating the moment and stimulating the dialogue” – that is IAVE’s goal for its convenings. We bring together diverse groups of leaders of volunteering in settings that encourage discussion, reflection and learning. Participants are invited to focus on specific issues challenging volunteering and on how to increase the impact of volunteering on the world’s most pressing problems.
Since the very first conference in 1970, the IAVE World Volunteer Conference has been the premier gathering point for volunteer leaders from throughout the world, for people who share a commitment to volunteering as a means to build understanding across borders through the active engagement of people in service to their communities, to their societies and to the world.
The importance of the conference was reflected in its role as the kick-off event, held in Amsterdam, of the United Nations International Year of Volunteers in January 2001 and, in Singapore, of IYV+10 in 2011. Attendance has grown to almost 1,000 global, national and local leaders of volunteering from civil society organizations (NGOs), grassroots community initiatives, business, religion, education and government.
Everyone is welcome to share their experiences, expertise and enthusiasm as we meet, learn and recommit together.
Since 1998 the conference has been complemented by the World Youth Volunteer Conference Typically scheduled in the few days prior to the world conference, these are special opportunities for young volunteers, up to age 25, to meet together, volunteer together, learn and reflect together, and begin relationships that can last for many years.
This year, the youth conference will be held November 3-5 in Puebla, Mexico, one of the most important Spanish Colonial cities in Mexico and home to a myriad of world renowned universities.
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