Approximately five months ago I had the opportunity to attend a round-table organized by UNDP to discuss about the impact of the earthquake on persons living with disabilities. The seminar was jointly conducted with Social Science Baha as preparation for a major study on the topic. There was a lively conversation that morning after that, i did not hear anything but this morning while browising the web site of undp nepal i found out that the report has been published ( in May!!!!!!) I am looking forward to go through it. It will be interesting to have some follow up discussions about its findings
Here the summary found on the web site of UNDP Nepal:
"Disaster, Disability and Difference: A Study of the Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in Post-Earthquake Nepal. The report is prepared by Social Science Baha and published with assistance from the UNDP in Nepal and the National Federation of the Disabled Nepal - NFDN.
This research-based report seeks to empirically assess the contemporary landscape of disability in Nepal, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PwDs) in the wake of the earthquakes that devastated Nepal in April and May of 2015. Based on our findings, this report also makes a series of policy recommendations focused on the meaningful inclusion of Nepalis with disabilities within both disaster risk reduction activities and the broader development agenda--offering a toolkit for the operationalization of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal.
You can find the full report in pdf format here: http://www.np.undp.org/content/dam/nepal/docs/reports/other/Disaster%20D...
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