Those who clearly understand what ‘Holy’ is will never understand what sin is . The reason being they are not opposites of each other as is unanimously accepted or believed. After ages of speculation I drew on two closer factors of definition.
Sin is (1) something which you know when you do it; and (2) something done unaware (lack of knowledge)
And further introspection led to conclude that:
Sin is believing that unreal is real .You can make your own body real, your mind real. Fundamentally, it is a deviation from reality.
I have always wondered why Las Vegas was named as ‘sin city’. I came across an economic explanation i.e. the aim was to build it as a major tourist attraction. It might be that homo sapiens thought that if the world has too many ‘holy’ centers then there ought to be some ‘unholy centers’ as well. After all taste always outdid ‘wholesomeness’ .While to others, they represented polarity to me they were mirror images.
Looking deeply I found similarity between the sin and holy cities:
i) People are equally excited about going to both places. Their excitement level is matchless.
ii) Both create a strong and pseudo notion of doership .Thoughts stick to ‘Either I am going to be blessed and sent to heaven or ‘I am the enjoyer’.
iii) Both really don’t have anything as per their quality ‘holy or unholy’. Except the name tag
A holy city has ‘original pristine ‘structures of remembrance usually related to life of a saint or messenger.
A sin city has at least no such counterpart ideal and hence is more democratic and best for experimentation. It is because they are not gripped in commandment or ritualistic formality. You know you are free to sin and the extent you want to. In comparison, the holy centers are more closed .They are contained in fragmented memories .Whereas, a sin city is more dynamic, filled with momentary -ness deliberation (unintelligent choice) where you are the creator of your enjoyment. Though your enjoyment is greatly dependent just like in mundane life.
The greatest similarly is that fun cannot last forever .You tend to get bored because both are artificial and limited in a sense. In fact we carry holy and unholy centers within ourselves
I have never been to either of these places .Places walk within us including the space itself .The world is not so much torn between nationalities and cultures but by false contradiction.
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