Ever stuck in a situation when you want something; someone close to you wants something else and you very well know you may decide against your wishes to keep the 'someone' happy? Even though you'll be miserably disheartened for not doing what you had actually planned!
Well, we all land in similar situations...all the time. The concern here is not overlooking personal choice; it gets on to you when you take such decisions for people who don't even take cognizance of it. Frankly, it is about personal choice, it shouldn't matter if the other person is or isn't taking note. However we do sub-consciously feel the need to be recognized and accepted.
This is how we have grown up to understand the world and people around us. We get something if we do something for them. We may be at risk of being left alone if we don't accommodate them. We all have a special place for a certain handful of people for who we will make time for, space for, listen to, notice, accept…no matter what time or situation/ state you are in.
In reality the fact is we all do things for someone, at some point of time and it has nothing to do with what get in return. It is the expectation that kills the beauty of this sort of feeling…The need to hang on to a person, the need to get them to notice you, recognize you…dampens the efforts you’ve made. Though making such efforts sometimes gets exhausting and may take toll over you.
The fact that the other person shall and will have complains at some point of time. There are expectations attached. No matter how real, practical, logical and sensible we act…we get hurt…we make ourselves vulnerable.
The best way to deal with such situations is not holding on to people and feel responsible for their side of input in return of the efforts you make. Be happy that you’ve contributed in someone’s life, no matter how minor/ major your contribution may have been. Move on…walk on…because we humans survive almost anything that life has to offer.
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