Young people under 25 years have been the most adversely affected by the existing phenomena, so called “WORK EXPEREINCE”. The most of the vacancy announcement includes at the bottom that the candidate must have at least <2> years work experience in so and so field. And this very sentence discards the most of the fresh graduate from the opportunity. Who will give them opportunities if so called development agency/organization only demands the experienced one? I wonder how this process would enhance to improve the efficacy in work nature. This generation has a capability to compete the world, though they may not have work experience at hand, however, given the chances they can beat experienced one. If the experience becomes an obstacle, then fresh degree holders would never get an upgradation.
One of the options would be to work as a volunteer doing similar work for schools, government, or non-profit organizations. That shows that he/she has built up transferrable skills from the experience though it may not be the paid work. This alone, however, would not solve the problem of the present generation. The question is that who would give them a chance to volunteer? My assumption tells me that there are few who would like to take the intern in the company or organization. I must appreciate some of the organizations such as UMN, World Vision and others who give access to those group of people.
In Europe, Internship is considered as the vital step for the fresh degree holders which provides a high credibility as well. There are a lot of advantages of getting enrolled as an intern. It would also help them to identify the career paths. It allows them to explore whether the career fits with their passion and interest or it is just a short term emotion only. This is important. At the same time it would also help them to build the network with the particular field. However we do not see such kinds of platform in Nepal regarding Internship. The government of Nepal should take this in mind to provide a platform for the new generation.
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