13 December, Dubai: Climate Action Network together with civil society across the world, using our collective power, succeeded in centering the end of fossil fuels through a fair, fast and funded just transition at COP28 in Dubai. Our mobilisations through the year and in the corridors of the COP28 resulted in countries agreeing to transition away from fossil fuels. This is the first time that the COP acknowledges and agrees to address the main cause of the climate crisis and sends a signal on the end the era of fossil fuel era
However, this road to transition away from fossil fuels will be at risk from the start because yet again there is no agreement on how this energy transition will be funded and how historical polluters will take responsibility for ensuring that justice and equity is delivered for the vulnerable peoples and countries in the global South.
The lack of finance and the loopholes of false solutions included in the agreement cannot be a backdoor to the fossil fuel industry that obstructs the full transition away from fossil fuels.
Tasneem Essop, Executive Director, Climate Action Network International: “In the hottest year on record, our collective power as people across the world resulted in the first ever signal that the world needs to transition away from fossil fuels, the major cause of the climate crisis. However, vulnerable peoples and countries cannot be left with the burden to fund this transition to address a crisis they did not cause. The polluting countries and companies must deliver the funding to achieve a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels. The COP outcome opened the road for a fossil fuel free world, but this road is full of potholes, dangerous distractions and if allowed, could lead to a dead end. We are determined to fight for securing international support from the rich nations for the developing world as a key enabler for more ambitious commitments and a just and equitable transition to a fossil free future.”
Harjeet Singh, head of global political strategy at Climate Action Network International:
“After decades of evasion, COP28 finally cast a glaring spotlight on the real culprits of the climate crisis: fossil fuels. A long-overdue direction to move away from coal, oil, and gas has been set. Yet, the resolution is marred by loopholes that offer the fossil fuel industry numerous escape routes, relying on unproven, unsafe technologies.
The hypocrisy of wealthy nations, particularly the USA, as they continue to expand fossil fuel operations massively while merely paying lip service to the green transition, stands exposed. Developing countries, still dependent on fossil fuels for energy, income, and jobs, are left without robust guarantees for adequate financial support in their urgent and equitable transition to renewable energy.
Although COP28 recognised the immense financial shortfall in tackling climate impacts, the final outcomes fall disappointingly short of compelling wealthy nations to fulfil their financial responsibilities – obligations amounting to hundreds of billions, which remain unfulfilled.”
Teresa Anderson, Global lead on climate justice, ActionAid International: “COP28 has spotlighted that while the world’s appetite for climate action has moved significantly forward, its willingness to pay lags behind. The mission to move to a fossil-free future does not yet have the finance components needed to make this goal workable for lower-income countries. If rich countries had been willing to put real finance and fair timelines on the table, the outcome could have been much stronger. “Finding ways forward on climate finance, and how we can cover the costs for the world we want to build together, must now be part of every climate conversation moving forward. At COP29 in Baku, all eyes will be on the negotiations for the New Collective Quantified Goal on finance. Civil society can be incredibly proud of the momentum built to get us to this point. COP28 has resulted in an outcome that should discourage institutions from investing in assets that will soon be stranded. But there is still much more to do to ensure that we can really fund our future.”
Mohamed Adow, Director of Power Shift Africa:
“For the first time in three decades of climate negotiations the words fossil fuels have ever made it into a COP outcome. We are finally naming the elephant in the room. The genie is never going back into the bottle and future COPs will only turn the screws even more on dirty energy.
Although we’re sending a strong signal with one hand, there’s still too many loopholes on unproven and expensive technologies like carbon capture and storage to keep dirty energy on life support.
The transition may be fast, the text calls for a transition away from fossil fuels in this critical decade. But the transition is not funded or fair. We’re still missing enough finance to help developing countries decarbonise and there needs to be greater expectation on rich fossil fuel producers to phase out first.
Some people may have had their expectations for this meeting raised too high, but this result would have been unheard off two years ago, especially at a COP meeting in a petrostate. It shows that even oil and gas producers can see we’re heading for a fossil free world.”
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, WWF Global Climate and Energy Lead, and COP20 President:
“The earth is down but not out, as countries agree to transition away from fossil fuels, but fall short of consensus on the full phase out of coal, oil and gas at COP28. Nevertheless, a decision to transition away from fossil fuels is a significant moment. After three decades of UN climate negotiations, countries have at last shifted the focus to the polluting fossil fuels driving the climate crisis. This outcome must signal the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel era.
It is unfortunate that with the inclusion of the word ‘unabated’, the outcome suggests there is a considerable role for dangerous distractions such as large-scale carbon capture and storage and ‘transitional fuels’. This is not the case. For a liveable planet we need a full phase out of all fossil fuels. The Global Stocktake is clear that eight years on from the Paris Agreement, we are still way off course to limit global warming to 1.5oC and avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis. In this critical decade, all countries must enhance the ambition and implementation of climate action. It is vital that countries work now to transform their energy systems and replace polluting fossil fuels with clean and cheaper renewable energy, such as wind and solar, at an unprecedented speed and scale.”
Hailey Campbell, Co-Executive Director, Care About Climate:
“Some genuine strides forward were made in the GST, but as the room uproared in celebration we, the youth, did not clap. We will not clap for complacency and an outcome that does not openly safeguard our future by funding an equitable fossil fuel phase out. We will keep fighting for our future.”
Rev. Dallas Conyers, Peoples Justice Coalition:
“As the COP President praises his leadership and the fact that there is language regarding fossil fuels in the text, he was unable to hear the stunning lack of applause from the overflow viewing his statement. An overflow filled with people who will have to live with the underwhelming and contradictory language around fossil fuel phaseout present in this COP text.”
Gaia Fevre, International Policy Manager, CAN-France:
“The agreement adopted at COP28 contains a political signal to “transition away” from fossil fuels. But it doesn’t go far enough: not least because the financial resources are not in place to support the countries that need it most. But also because there are a number of very worrying mentions: gas as a transitional energy, carbon capture and storage and nuclear power. The decision does not live up to its ambitious promises.”
Joab Okanda, Senior Climate Advisor, Christian Aid:
“We now need to see rich countries following up their warm words about wanting a fossil fuel phase out with actions to actually bring it about and end their use of coal, oil and gas by the end of this decade. Rich fossil fuel using countries will need to decarbonise first, with middle income countries going next and then the poorest countries after that.”
Joseph Robertson, Executive Director, Citizens’ Climate International:
“We welcome COP28 breakthroughs on food systems, the Global Stocktake, and recognizing fossil fuels as a primary driver of global heating. With emissions still rising, we know the only way to limit global heating to 1.5ºC and secure a livable future is a full phase-out of fossil fuels. We look forward to the rapid scaling up of non-market international cooperation to align all trade and finance with 1.5ºC.”
Laura Young, Tearfund Ambassador and Climate Scientist: “The final outcome of the UN climate talks has shifted the dial though it falls short of the landmark energy agreement that would have hailed the end of the fossil fuel era. The result is a mixed bag of transitioning away from fossil fuels whilst opening the door to dangerous distractions and weakening of past commitments. We should applaud that countries have pledged to triple renewables and double energy efficiency by 2030, but unless coal, oil and gas are phased out at the same time, we’ll continue to fuel climate disaster.’
Despite this mixed outcome, we’ve seen unprecedented support for the clean energy transition. The science is clear, the solutions exist and the momentum is growing. Leaders and negotiators also publicly recognised, with greater honesty and clarity than ever before, the vital need to end the fossil fuel era. The scales are starting to tip, but the hour is late. The longer we delay decisive action the greater the cost of our inaction will be for all of us and people living in poverty most of all.”
Lavetanalagi Seru, Regional Coordinator, Pacific Islands Climate Action Network:
“The COP28 outcome has signaled that the days of the fossil fuel industry is numbered. There is a growing momentum to transition away from all fossil fuels.
This is an incremental step towards the right direction, however it falls short of climate justice and equity for our frontline communities, with those contributing the most to the climate crisis avoiding their responsibility to provide the finance and support to developing countries to transition and build resilience.
“This outcome continues to allow for dangerous distractions and loopholes, such as carbon capture, nuclear, and removal technologies, and weakening language on gender, human rights, indigenous rights, which is deeply disappointing.”
Sven Harmeling, Global Policy Lead, CARE Climate Justice Centre:
“The decision agreed at COP28 signals the fossil fuel era is coming to an end. Now, wealthy and high emitting countries must take urgent action to phase out fossil fuels. They have reaped the rewards of oil, gas and coal expansion while people living in the poorest communities in the world are paying with their lives.
Sadly, developing countries have not yet seen the delivery of support required to confront the climate crisis. They are being asked to pick up much of the bill for the climate crisis. The agreement does not include anything like the required financial support for adaptation. This is a life and death issue, particularly for women and girls living in Africa. Existing promises on adaptation must be met in full without delay, while the New Collective Quantifiable Goal, to be agreed in 2024 at COP29, needs to be radically more ambitious.
Operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund was a landmark day for climate justice. Yet, the meagre financial pledges and questionable administration of the Fund raise the alarm about developed countries commitment to making it a success.”
Natalie Unterstell, President of Instituto Talanoa, Brazil:
“We’ve achieved the once-thought impossible task of setting an end to the fossil fuels era, a significant win over the last 30 years of oil and gas diplomacy. The GST calls on governments to set a clear fossil fuel transition timeline, in line with the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, pushing major producers of oil, gas, and coal to rethink their strategies and set clear transition plans. Also, it pushes all economies, in all countries and regions in the world, to get free from fossils. To that end, unfortunately, the GST decision does not secure financing, particularly for poorest developing nations. COP29, dubbed the Finance COP, will have to address this gap.”
Isatis Cintron, Climate Trace Puerto Rico:
”COP28 established language that can potentially course correct by mentioning fossil fuels for the first time in a UNFCCC. The COP28 outcome does not deliver climate justice, climate acton must not be only about words. Climate action is not a sea of words or empty promises. We have a goal, but it doesn’t outline how we will get there. A goal without a plan is just a wish. We must not forget how we got here and the historical responsibilities. Our pathway can’t lack climate justice, gender-responsive, conflict-sensitive, participatory and accountability approaches. We need coherence & countries to put their money where their mouth is. An achievement without people at the center can’t be historical. Fast, fair, & equitable climate action implementation is inescapable.”
Inger Ashing, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International:
“The agreement on transitioning away from fossil fuels can only be a starting point to protect children who continue to bear the brunt of the climate crisis, a crisis not of their making.
Year after year, children share how the climate crisis impacts their lives. Imagine a world where your home, your school, and your family’s livelihoods are swept away. It’s a harsh reality that children on the frontlines of the climate crisis are facing today.
It’s high time we stand with children and place their voices at the heart of every aspect of climate change decision-making and financing. Governments worldwide must take this decision to heart, accelerate towards a greener, safer, and more sustainable future for our children. We need to act now, our children’s lives depend on it.”
Sanjay Vashist, Director, Climate Action Network South Asia:
“The outcome of COP28 makes it clear that the world only belongs to rich and influential in developed countries. The removal of equity and human rights principles from the final outcome text indicates that vulnerable communities in developing countries need to save themselves on their own and the real climate culprits are not coming to their rescue. We cannot celebrate mere inclusion of reference to fossil fuels in the text if it comes without means of implementation and finance for energy transition for poor and developing countries. If this is what a ‘historical outcome’ looks like, then it is on the wrong side of history.”
Javier Andaluz Prieto, Climate and Energy Head, Ecologistas en Acción: “This decision falls far short of the decisive and historic action we need. The inability of the countries of the global North to facilitate a just transition across the planet, coupled with the blockades of oil-interested countries such as the US and Saudi Arabia, continue to put 1.5°C at risk, no matter how much consensus is said to exist on the issue. Civil society will continue to challenge the loopholes on this text and demand equitable funding.”
“Esta decisión está muy lejos de la acción decisiva e histórica que necesitamos. La incapacidad de los países del Norte global para facilitar una transición justa en todo el planeta, unida a los bloqueos de los países con intereses petroleros, como Estados Unidos y Arabia Saudí, siguen poniendo en peligro 1,5 °C, por mucho consenso que se diga que existe sobre la cuestión. La sociedad civil seguirá cuestionando las lagunas de este texto y exigiendo una financiación equitativa.”
Iskander Erzini Vernoit, Director, IMAL Initiative:
“COP28 is a COP of commitments which are at once unprecedented and hollow. History will judge COP28 for whether the unprecedented commitments it makes are ultimately supported by the financing required. The goal to transition away from fossil fuels, the Global Goal on Adaptation, the Loss and Damage Fund all require funding from developed countries responsible for the climate crisis. The quantity and quality of the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance, to be agreed next year, will be the test of the strength of the commitments made here in Dubai.”
Caroline Brouillette, Executive Director, Climate Action Network Canada:
“Civil society and the countries and communities on the front lines of the climate crisis came to Dubai to reckon with the moment we are in during the hottest year ever recorded. The COP28 outcome brings important wins, with the operationalization of the loss and damage fund and the first-ever global recognition that fossil fuels must be relegated to history – and it gives us another day to fight. And fight we must, for the Global North to finally deliver the financial and technical support needed to make this energy transition unstoppable. At the same time, as communities around the world are already facing the heart-wrenching impacts of the convergent climate and debt crises, Canada and other rich countries must live up to their responsibilities and step up on finance for adaptation and loss and damage.”
Gilles Dufrasne, Policy Lead on Global Carbon Markets, Carbon Market Watch:
“The absence of a deal on Article 6 avoids replicating the errors of the voluntary carbon market and sending the wrong signal to companies and countries seeking to sidestep their climate responsibilities. Trading carbon credits requires strong environmental and human rights guardrails, as has been shown by the numerous scandals related to the voluntary carbon market that broke out over the past 12 months. The text on the table just didn’t provide this. It would have risked reproducing the mistakes of voluntary carbon markets, and by rejecting it, negotiators made the best out of a bad situation.”
André-Yanne Parent, Executive Director, Climate Reality Canada:
“There’s one way to stop rising temperatures and ensure a livable future: Equitably phase out fossil fuels and transition to true net zero by 2050. End of story. Until we have the honesty to enshrine that in the decision text, it won’t meet the science and climate justice requirements. The critical issue here is that it will happen, either in an orderly, just, equitable way or not. Saving millions of lives, allowing ecosystems to blossom, or not. Upholding Indigenous peoples’ rights, human rights, workers’ rights with gender responsive measures, or not. Wealthy nations created this climate crisis. COP28 was the opportunity to right this wrong and adequately plan a global response to the biggest crisis of all, adequately finance Global South nations to rebuild after climate disasters, adapt to our warming world, and build resilient clean energy economies. Unfortunately, while this decision makes history, it allows dangerous loopholes with unproven technologies and it falls short in terms of scale, means of implementation and equity.”
Nithi Nesadurai, Director & Regional Coordinator, Climate Action Network Southeast Asia:
“The COP28 decision on transitioning away from fossil fuels is a positive development for those of us working on energy transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency in our Yet as finance, equity and a rights-based framework are missing, it makes our work challenging. It also lets rich countries in the Global North off the hook on finance, Further, the provision for false solutions also provide a loophole for countries to distract from the single focus of phasing out fossil fuels.
Dr. Rachel Cleetus, the policy director and a lead economist for the Climate and Energy Program, UCS:
“The COP28 agreement marks a historic recognition from world leaders that a sharp turn away from fossil fuels toward clean energy in this critical decade and beyond, aligned with the science, is essential to meet our climate goals. Three decades after the first United Nations annual climate talks, this is a long overdue step, albeit with some loopholes, to address the root cause and primary driver of the climate crisis: fossil fuels.
However, the finance and equity provisions of the decision are highly insufficient and must be improved in the time ahead to ensure low- and middle-income countries can transition to clean energy and close the energy poverty gap. As the world puts these collective goals into action, richer nations like the United States have a responsibility to take the lead in quickly moving away from fossil fuels and providing scaled-up climate finance for developing countries. Without that, we will not be able to succeed in phasing out fossil fuels—which remains essential —nor will we deliver justice for people on the frontlines of the climate crisis”
Dr. Delta Merner, lead scientist at the Science Hub for Climate Litigation, Union of Concerned Scientists:
“Amidst the lobbying by over 2,400 oil and gas lobbyists, negotiators and civil society made their voices heard at COP28, advocating to end the era of fossil fuels to meet our climate goals. The talks reflected a growing consensus that it is time to transition away from fossil fuels. The negotiations progressed towards an agreement that could become a turning point for our planet, outlining the guardrails for a transition away from fossil fuel. Significant work is still needed to secure adequate financing to ensure an equitable transition. This is a decisive step toward addressing the climate crisis, despite persistent industry interference.”
Evan Gach, Node Coordinator, CAN-Japan, said:
“A COP decision pointing out the necessity of exiting fossil fuels and transitioning to renewables in order to meet the Paris 1.5℃ goal sends a signal to the world that ending fossil fuels is the inevitable solution to avert a worsening climate crisis and build a more just and equitable world. However, the numerous loopholes included are also a big signal to the people of the world that we must continue fighting to secure a safe, healthy future for current and future generations through a full, rapid, just and funded phaseout of all fossil fuels. This phaseout must be free of false solutions, in line with limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5℃, and include adequate support for developing countries to accelerate their own transitions to renewable energy.”
Karla Maass Wolfenson, Advocacy Advisor, Climate Action Network Latin America (CANLA). “We came to the COP with the certainty that there is no time to lose and it is time to take the most serious and responsible actions to address the climate crisis. This has a clear name: the end of the fossil fuels era. We leave with a signal, a nod, and a lot of work to do to ensure that the single number that effectively offers a vision of a world without fossil fuels can be raised and adequately financed. We also leave with a lot of work to do so that the gaps and loopholes proposed in the text can be contained and ensure that there are no more coal plants, no regressive subsidies, and no incentives for carbon capture and sequestration technologies that distract us from the goal. The political challenges were enormous and it was clear to see desperate actions by OPEC, but the crisis is even more incremental, and a matter of life and death. This COP leaves us still immersed in a fossil era”
Tess Woolfenden, Senior Policy Officer, Debt Justice UK:
“Rich countries have once again shirked their responsibility and passed the buck onto countries who have done the least to create the climate crisis. COP28 will leave a legacy of a deepening debt crisis, as lower income countries receive inadequate and loan-based climate finance. Without urgent debt cancellation and rich countries significantly scaling up public, grant-based climate finance, it will be impossible for lower income countries to transition to sustainable renewable energy.”
Romain Ioualalen, Global Policy Manager at Oil Change International:
“We secured the first UN climate agreement that calls on all countries to ‘transition away from fossil fuels’, but this agreement does not deliver the full, fast, fair, funded phaseout of fossil fuels that global communities urgently demand for a just energy transition. Rich countries must pay their fair share to enable a just transition in the Global South. Disgracefully, the agreement is littered with loopholes, leaving escape hatches for the fossil fuel industry that could undermine the transition away from fossil fuels.”
Julia Levin, Associate Director, National Climate, Environmental Defence Canada:
“For the first time ever, countries around the world have collectively agreed on the need to leave oil, gas and coal in the ground. There can be no mistake: the era of fossil fuels is quickly coming to an end. Yet, wealthy countries like Canada and the United States – who have an overwhelming responsibility to phase out fossil fuels first and fastest – have failed the global community by refusing to provide the financial support needed from developing countries in order to transition their economies away from fossil fuels, adapt to the impacts of the climate crisis and address the losses and damages being experienced.”
Alex Rafalowicz, Executive Director of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty:
“Having the words ‘fossil fuels’ in the text is an important political signal, but it’s a far cry from the ‘historic’ outcome we were all calling for – it is the weakest we could have gotten, it has all the intentionally vague words planted to deceive us, and it is still very reliant on all the unproven technologies we must avoid. Those most responsible for the climate crisis did not bring finance, technology, or actions to start phasing out fossil fuels, instead they brought hollow hypocrisy that poisoned the talks just as they are poisoning life on Earth. The vested interests of a few did everything they could to drown out the voices of people and science. OPEC said this would be an irreversible tipping point, and it will be. The record number of fossil fuel lobbyists at this COP was proof that the industry is desperate to defend their interests at the expense of life. They’re merchants of death, but their days are numbered – and they know it.”
Nafkote Dabi, Climate Change Policy Lead, Oxfam International:
“COP28 has averted disaster, but the final outcome is grossly inadequate. After five decades of fighting against the oil, gas, and coal giants, there is a whisper of hope that the end of the fossil fuel era is near. But justice is the key puzzle piece missing — and without proper funding on the table for low-income countries, we have nothing to celebrate as it means further debt and inequality. Once again, rich countries are trying to avoid their obligation to support people experiencing the worst impacts of climate breakdown, like those in the Horn of Africa who have recently lost everything from flooding six months after a historic five-season drought and years of hunger. These injustices call for urgent and decisive action, and what has been delivered today is miles away from the historic and ambitious outcome that was promised.”
Fidelis Stehle, President FIMCAP Europe, FIMCAP:
“This is not what we wanted and not what the world needs: a full, fast, fair and funded fossil fuel phase-out. The 1.5° limit is increasingly being given up and is becoming more and more impossible. The door is being opened to CCS and nuclear, although they are mostly dangerous distractions and not real solutions.”
Andrea Koehle Jones, Executive Director, The ChariTree Foundation:
“The ChariTree Foundation welcomes the implementation of the ‘loss and damage’ fund at Cop28 as an important step forward. However, the failure to clearly signal the phaseout of all fossil fuels means children everywhere will face more extreme climate events, loss and damage.”
Peg Putt, Co-coordinator, Biomass Action Network (EPN):
“While tripling renewable energy is an important step, this outcome is undermined by the inclusion of big biomass energy, which emits at least as much carbon as coal per unit of energy produced whilst also threatening communities and forests around the world. We can’t afford dangerous distractions like biomass as we move away from fossil fuels. Countries must now step up and make sure that big biomass energy is not part of their renewable energy mix.”
Ann Harrison, Climate Justice Adviser, Amnesty International:
“The outcome contains an important signal to the fossil fuel industry and the world that a phase out of fossil fuels is underway, a testament to the people-powered campaign that has pushed for this for decades. Yet the outcome leaves loopholes for business as usual for fossil fuel producers by calling for acceleration of risky and unproven technologies like carbon capture and storage. It also fails to ensure the massive scale up of climate finance needed to ensure the action needed on mitigation and adaptation takes place as soon as possible, leaving developing countries, Indigenous Peoples, frontline communities and other marginalized groups in the lurch.
It remains to be seen if the flawed operationalization of the Loss and Damage Fund will actually deliver any adequate funds to those suffering most from the adverse impacts of the climate crisis, especially in light of the puny amounts committed so far. The restrictions on civic space at this COP, both within and outside the Blue Zone, have cast a long shadow over civil society’s ability to speak truth to power freely.
Lessons must be learned and measures implemented to better protect freedom of expression and peaceful assembly at future COPs. Climate justice demands bolder, continued and participatory action, centered on the protection and respect for human rights.”
Erin Ryan, Senior International Campaigner, Solutions for Climate Australia, Climate Action Network Australia: “Big polluters are fighting a losing battle against science, justice, and the people. After years of skirting around the issue, this text finally recognises the need to end our reliance on fossil-fuelled energy. That said, it is far from the full, fair, fast and funded fossil fuel phase-out that we need, and the text remains littered with desperate, dangerous distractions. In Australia we are looking down the barrel of another historic bushfire season. What we needed at COP28 was a historic agreement on ending fossil fuels. Recognition of the role of fossil fuels is welcome but it won’t keep our homes standing, and our children’s lungs free of smoke. Only real action on phasing out coal, oil and gas will do that.”
Chiara Martinelli, Director Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe:
“While the COP28 outcome signals a consensus to move away from fossil fuels in the future, it falls short in providing the fair scale, clarity and speed we truly need to tackle the climate emergency. We need to highlight that this is coming out of a COP28 that witnessed huge pressure from fossil fuel interests, resisted by civil society and many governments. Once again, this looked like nothing but a ‘David against Goliath’ fight.
In the final text, we can surely recognise the EU’s position for COP28 supporting fossil fuel phase out. In the face of the call from the Pacific Islands and the most climate-vulnerable countries, we need a much bigger demonstration of solidarity and concrete commitments to support the energy transition as well as adaptation in those regions of the world. Next year’s negotiations on the future level of climate finance will, therefore, be a critical litmus test for a truly global course correction. The EU and other developed countries will have to be fully prepared.
Now, the big responsibility lies on the EU to translate this COP28 outcome into ambitious work at home and specifically into the update of the European NDC. While we move into updating 2030 climate targets and defining 2040 targets, the EU has to align with science and ensure there is no space for fossil fuels in the energy system. We expect concrete deadlines for Europe at the soonest: phase out from coal by 2030, from gas by 2035 and from oil by 2040.”
Haneen Shaheen, Board Member, Climate Action Network Arab World:
“As we are witnessing dramatic changes happening all around the world because of the extreme weather events, finally ending fossil fuel found its way to the text with the consent of all parties, however the outcome lacks the equality, viable mechanisms and justices across members in the transition”
Amy Giliam Thorp, Senior Climate Adaptation and Resilience Policy Advisor, Power Shift Africa:
“The latest text for the Global Goal on Adaptation is feeble, lacking measurable targets, concrete support for means of implementation, especially finance, and accountability. Without robust and scaled up financial support, accelerating adaptation action is impossible. Effectively, we have another plan to make another plan. COP28’s outcome neglects the urgency of adaptation for developing nations, a life-or-death matter. There’s a crucial need for course correction, especially for adaptation, yet rich nations have ignored their responsibility, leaving vulnerable nations and frontline communities to fend for themselves.”