As I found out the result of DV lottery was out, I wrote on facebook wall of my uber-close friend Nashib; "Congratulation on winning DV lottery!" (DV परेको मा बधाइ छ :) ) which was in fact NOT true, and was meant just to have FUN. But guess what! DV was in fact NOT meant to be made JOKEs about! The post turned viral and Nashib started to get frequent calls and messages regarding it. His mother in law, who found out through somebody (who saw my post) in her village called her daughter (Nashib's wife) and scolded her, "You have won DV lottery and haven’t informed about it to us yet!". She (friend's wife) must have been shocked as she was unaware about that post. After an hour I had to write that it was just for fun and few hours later I deleted that post.
Apparently, (According to my brother) in Jhapa, people were in queue with their confirmation number and paid Rs. 15 each to cyber operator to check their result. According to sources in internet, 4370 people in 2013 and 6082 people in 2014 people won DV lottery from Nepal with more than 400,000 applicant every year. The DV lottery for 2015 is just announced and more people are leaving to the United States to live the "American Dream".
I, on the other hand, have applied for DV only once in 2008. May be, I had been underestimating the outcome of mighty DV lottery! ....Eagerly waiting for DV-2016!
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