The Steering Committee, on behalf of all EPFIs, thank Amit for his leadership, dedication and enormous commitment to the EPs. As well as his more visible roles on the Steering Committee and at Annual Meetings, Amit has put in countless voluntary hours behind the scenes to drive the EPs forward. He has achieved much over his 4 years as Chair – releasing our first ever Strategy, pushing through the much needed legal and governance changes, appointing our first CEO, and kicking off the next review of the EPs. He has also overseen considerable growth in the EP community as we reach new markets, and now look to embed new Signatory Rules to help improve efficiency and raise the bar across all EPFIs. Amit leaves the EPs in a strong position to implement the initiatives he has spearheaded, and we collectively thank him for all of his work.
The Steering Committee is pleased to announce that Andrew Scott, ING, has agreed to step into the role as interim Chair, until the routine Steering Committee elections in June. ING were one of the earliest EPFIs, joining in 2003, and have long held leadership positions in EP, including as the current Steering Committee regional representative for Europe. Many of you will know Andrew as he has been an active voice in the EP community for over 10 years, as well as taking a leadership role as EP4 coordinator 2018 – 2020.
Amit Puri, outgoing Chair:
“I am sorry to be stepping down as EP Chair after 4 exciting and hectic years. I joined the EP community / family at about the same time as I started my journey in sustainability and it has been a constant in my professional life over the last few years. Many colleagues have become friends in this time and I have immensely valued their support and counsel as the sustainability agenda has gone through a paradigm shift. As an Association we have achieved many things and I feel confident that under the leadership of Max, Courtenay, the rest of the Secretariat, and now Andrew, that the EPs are in very good hands for whatever comes next. I look forward to following the future successes of the EPs as I move onto something new.”
Max Griffin, EP CEO:
“I first met Amit in Sao Paulo at the EP AGM in October 2017; ever since then I’ve seen him devote his time, attention, and diplomacy to consolidate, grow and improve the EPs. He has led with relentless energy, genuine care and good humour, and he will be sorely missed. Amit leaves the EPs in a very strong position, with a clear strategy, mandate and a professional community second to none. As Amit hands over we are fortunate to have Andrew agree to step up as the EP interim Chair; bringing continuity, deep technical and EP experience, and more good cheer!”