The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...

Manoj Giri ,
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Giri, Manoj Kumar
DOB : 1973
Address : Dadhikot-7, Bhaktapur,,
Travel : Holland, Belgium, Germany, Japan, India
Academic Qualification:
Masters 2009 TU 61 Sociology
Current involvement : Alternative Volunteer and National Foundation for Tourism Development, Nepal.
Posted Articles
Submited by: Manoj Giri
Post date: 13 November, 2017
Tribute to the tourists died during the earthquake. Manoj K. Giri [Chairperson: Tourism Forum-Nepal]
Submited by: Manoj Giri
Post date: 18 August, 2015
Submited by: Manoj Giri
Post date: 16 April, 2015