She is the role of model, a mother to the orphans, a light of hope for the women rescued from darkness and a true civilian to the country. A thin women in her late fifties she looks much younger than her age. She make a deep confidence on people heart that humanity still exist. A person is there who still has time for others and who still fights for the rights of women. She is well known social activist known around the world; she is the legend-Anuradha Koirala.
Born in okhaldhunga one of the remote village of Nepal, on 14th April 1949, she along with her parents went to India. Her father being a colonel in the Indian army, she spent her childhood in India. She did her schooling from St. Joseph convent in Kalimpong and she graduated from St Xavier’s Calcutta.
After completing her studies, she came back to Nepal and got into the noblest profession that is teaching. Amar Adarsha School was the first school where she really got into professionalism. Later she founded Martyrs School. She was in this profession around twenty years.
The feeling of social services was there in her mind when she was young. Her mother was a great devotee of Mother Teresa and she having been to a convent school, had seen how the nuns over there devoted their lives for the welfare of the others.
Some of her works.
1.She helped the beggars on earning their livelihood and taught the meaning of life.
2. She deal with the case of women trafficking, rape and domestic violence.
3. She role as mother for those children who don’t have parents.
3. She finally established Maiti Nepal.
Her main source of inspiration is Mother Teresa and the current issue itself motivates her. “I’ve laid the foundation of Maiti Nepal and when I leave I just want to live this institution to my children. I don’t want any external agency taking over this huge empire.”
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