The Non Profit sector has a serious role to play in changing the world – commendable initiatives and passionate people driving those causes. However, Non Profits have marketing or advertising spend constraints. Unless they are able to talk about the “good” they are doing, or spread their Mission to a larger community, their work for a cause remains restrictive to just them.
It’s not helping them (with no mission being spread, lack of funding and few or no volunteers), neither is it helping the community because there are individuals there who either want to volunteer or due to lack of time may want to donate. Question is – Why the disconnect?
Some individuals believe that the business world can and will be able to uplift the communities through their social responsibility initiatives, but they cannot do so alone. They do need the individuals in the communities to come forth and do their bit as well.
Power of social network in undermined. Social media needs to be used to create a difference in this world. Spending time productively is the need of the hour. On social media channels, you are networked with thousands of people, spread across different countries. Likewise they are also networked with thousands. When ideas are shared, they adapt, change and evolve in different ways. And if the Role of influence has a remarkable impact, why not utilize it? Just how much a click of a mouse impacts another person, entity, or cause – is remarkable.
Social media has distorted and transformed the very boundaries of traditional philanthropy. Supporting a cause needn’t just be a means of ‘opening your wallets’, but social media leverages an important concept that most overlook – Role of Influence. It is equally important as money and/or volunteer time when one talks about supporting causes. Embedded in just one individual’s influence is a network of friends and family who rely on suggestions made, resources, time, skill set which can be tapped for that specific cause. If you don’t have the time to volunteer or share your skill set today, maybe someone in your network does. The idea is to be able to extend the reach of causes and emphasize on their challenges or requirements. Unless people know, they cannot help!
If you think that supporting global causes online shall not make an impact, think again. Every deed counts – causes need your support; only requires the right intent. All you are doing is leveraging your influence and propagating the causes you believe in.
The magnitude of social media allows us to empathize with causes that need not even be in our own community. It is about the connect a cause makes with an individual and what drives them to support it.
Everybody “likes” causes on Facebook, but what is the end result of it? Is Liking really getting them something? “likes don’t save lives” – Unicef Sweden inititative. This is where TriggrZ helps! TriggrZ is built on top of social media platforms such a Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We ensure the Influencers are able to Trigger their support to Causes in the most seamless manner, across countries! You don’t need to spend money, ONLY do so when you really do want to donate, funds travel to your choice of cause directly.
TriggrZ is a social innovation through which we are trying to transform the way Nonprofits reach out to a larger audience and spread their mission – both for fund requirements and/or volunteer support. We want to make sure that every Trigger translates into an activity and not just a support stop. Rally your support of your social networks, not just ‘liking’ or ‘tweeting’, but Triggering to see the impact you want to see in the world. Besides feeling ‘good’ about your support, we shall also accumulate Karma Points – to redeem against experiences that money may not buy!
Video to understand more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
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